Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Full Heart

Rusty Ridge Ranch, sunrise 9/14/2016

The sun keeps coming up, and going down then repeating.  It's hard to believe that it's been a week and one day since Ryan went home, leaving me on planet earth. Mom sent this photo from the ranch of today's sunrise.  It's just breathtaking.  Texas hill country is spectacular, if you have the chance it's a fun place to visit.  My phone has been steadily dinging with messages of Love, and each message feeds my soul.  I arrived in Texas 5 months ago with a few things and an unknown outcome. I can tell you this today.  I will always need less things and more Love.  Love is where it's at.  Clean jeans, oh well.  Supportive hug...yes please.  Don't get me wrong, clean jeans are nice.  Today I hope we all find soul nourishing support and Love.  If messages of Love are not dinging into your currant situation please know, I have plenty to share and my heart is full.  I feel strong, supported and loved.  I have grace and strength from above, and today I will tell my guy goodbye again, but only for a little while.

1 comment:

  1. You have taught me: Happiness is a choice. And, at times, it takes work.
