Monday, September 5, 2016

Cherry Coke

Hospital garden 9/3/2016
I poured most of a cherry coke down the hospital room sink this morning, it had been requested by Ryan on saturday.  The cherry coke was difficult to track down, I felt as if I had won the lottery when I finally located one.  I pored the cherry coke over the small chip hospital ice (one of the best things about hospital living is the small chip ice) stuck a straw in the cup and Ryan finally had a sip, Delicious!  All the other drinks he had tried that Saturday tasted funny because of the medications, it was wonderful that the cherry coke finally tasted right.  Today for a fleeting minute I felt I should save the cherry coke so when he wakes up he can drink the rest of the bottle. I feel alone now, even though many people are around.  Ryan is here but he is sedated for an unknown amount of time.  I look forward to seeing him smile at me, for now though I will just hold his hand and be happy.  


  1. I love you Stacey!! Keep that gorgeous face towards the sun! You are THE BRAVEST I've EVER known!
    Face the sun and all your shadows fall behind you.
