Thursday, August 18, 2016


Mom and garden snake
For me there is nothing sunshiny about snakes.  Shortly after arriving at mom & dads I was sweeping the front porch and arranging flower pots, a snake was under something I picked up.  My skin crawled!  Mom relocated the garden snake to another location. I stopped my outdoor activity and retreated indoors.  When Ryan was a toddler age 3, he was diagnosed with cancer for the first time.  During a particularly trying day for me I started crying and seeing me cry Ryan started crying.  Ryan said "mom whats wrong?"  I said " I'm scared Ryan."  I was worried for his future, the awful disease that threatened his life, our situation..all the things you could image in a situation like that.  I then asked Ryan "Why are you crying?"  he said "I'm scared."  I thought he was going to say he was afraid of all the things I was thinking, all the awful things that threatened the future.  Nope, when I asked him what he was afraid of he responded with one word.  "Snakes!" I started laughing, how wise to not be afraid of the future.  To not be afraid of all the what if's. Snake's on the other hand, they are scary... Well to me.... Some people really like them......but you get the idea.  I hope to stay focused on the now and not the what if's, life just seems to flow better when we're not afraid. 
The Ranch at Hico, May 2016

1 comment:

  1. My ALL time Favorite Stacey & Ryan story! Makes me laugh AND cry and laugh again!
