Rough Creek Lodge, Glen Rose Texas Mothers Day 2017 |
Most of us are born with five senses, seeing, hearing, feeling, touching, smelling. I believe I have developed a new sense, the sense of grief. It's not so simple, learning and living with this new sense. I suppose it's a bit like learning to walk. I'm not sure anyone will cheer me on or clap when, and if .... I master the art of living with this new found sense. My new sense leeks out at the most inopportune times... Surprising everyone especially me. It would be so convenient if we could play out emotions on demand and when deemed appropriate. Let me say if you know someone, or you yourself are suffering with a newfound sense please be kind and inject some patience and laughter into the situation. Mother's day was tough this year and the days before and after the holiday were filled with every emotion I've ever experienced. I'm trying to take it all in with a big breath and allot of patience. Today was a good day and as the day ends and I grow tired I'm thankful for the joy that still finds its way in. Let's all have a joy filled weekend while we live with all our senses.