Birthday Flowers 12/22/2016 |
Pretty people are happy people, period. - Drew Barrymore
I like this quote from Drew, I think she is on to something. I like to be happy and who doesn't want to be pretty? I certainly feel pretty when I am the elusive happiness comes and goes like the ocean tide, alass. Ayway, moving on.... I know that we all have the power to create change, and that we are responsible for the happiness we have, or do not have. Is happiness a learned skill like resilience seems to be? Perhaps. I've said before I think diet and exercise are a big part of resilance and happiness, I'm still eating a very healthy diet and exercising daily, but that elusive happy unicorn trots in and outta my life. Today is Saturday and I'm going to try and keep that happy going on, all day! Let's be happy and pretty today - Happy Saturday everyone.